Grundkursus 2 i ægyptologi
Mødedato: Torsdag d. 5/10-2023- kl. 16-19 – bemærk døren låses! Kom til tiden.
Antikmuseet på Aarhus Universitet,
Victor Albecksvej, Århus C, bygning 1414
Grundkursus 2 i ægyptologi, v. Cand.phil. Mette Gregersen
I foråret 2023 blev der afholdt et grundkursus for DÆS på Antikmuseet med fokus på de store historiske perioder i det gamle Ægypten.
Nu er tiden kommet til at behandle skabelsesmyter, guder, de komplicerede forberedelser til efterlivet, gravene og et besøg i den lillle by, Deir el-Medina, hvor de fremragende gravarbejdere, som skabte såvel konge- som privatgrave i Ny Rige, boede. Gennem de mange overleverede tekster får man et enestående indblik i livet i byen.
The Nubian Pharaohs of Egypt – og sommerfest
Mødedato: Tirsdag d. 23. maj Kl. 18
Lokale: Aud. 9A.3.01 NB: der har vi ikke været før. Indgang fra Karen Blixens Plads 16. Se kort i nyhedsmailen.
The Nubian Pharaohs of Egypt, v. Professor Aidan Dodson, University of Bristol
For a few decades during the 8th to 7th centuries BC, there was a remarkable reversal of the age-old imperial domination of Nubia by Egypt. In the wake of the fragmentation of the Egyptian state during the 8th century, the Kushite state that had evolved in Nubia since Egyptian withdrawal at the beginning of the 11th century expanded northwards, ultimately absorbing the south of Egypt, including Thebes itself. Having established themselves as overlords of the various regional rulers in Egypt, the Nubian pharaohs led a national revival in Egypt, until an Assyrian onslaught drove them back into Nubia, where their composite of Egyptian and Nubian culture would survive into the 4th century AD.
Aidan Dodson has taught Egyptology at the University of Bristol, UK, since 1996, and has been honorary full Professor of Egyptology since 2018. A graduate of Liverpool and Cambridge Universities, he is a Fellow of the Society of Antiquaries of London, and a former Chairman of the Egypt Exploration Society. The author of some 25 books and over 400 articles and reviews, The Nubian Pharaohs of Egypt: their lives and afterlives is due to be published by the American University in Cairo Press at the end of 2023.
The Obelisks of the Caesars: Egyptomania in Ancient Rome v. Luigi Prada efterfulgt af auktion over Lises bøger og effekter
Mødedato: Tirsdag d. 18/4 2023 kl 18.00
Lokale: KUA2 10.3.28 (frokoststuen på TORS)
Først foredrag efterfulgt af auktion over Lises bøger og effekter
The Obelisks of the Caesars: Egyptomania in Ancient Rome v. Luigi Prada, Assistant Professor of Egyptology, Uppsala Universitet
Today, there are more obelisks standing in Rome than there are in any other city, including Egypt—with more to be found in other locations around Italy and what used to be the Roman Empire.
Starting with Augustus and for centuries since, the Romans removed from Egypt tens of obelisks to display them in their cities as monuments to their power. But the Roman interest in Egypt’s obelisks was not limited to their re-use as political propaganda. In several cases, the Romans themselves commissioned new obelisks, having them carved with unique and peculiar inscriptions.
Far from being spoils of war, such obelisks stand as ancient monuments of cultural appropriation, through which Rome’s emperors and notables claimed for themselves Egypt’s linguistic, religious, and artistic traditions.
This talk will present the story of Rome’s fascination with ancient Egypt and its obelisks, focusing on a number of particularly significant case studies. By integrating the study of their social and cultural context with newly prepared textual and epigraphic analyses of their inscriptions, it will show how Egyptian obelisks—commissioned by both emperors and private citizens—not only fitted in the Empire’s political agenda, but also constituted part of the cultural life of its elites.
Tutankhamons grav. Arkæologi og politik
Mødedato: Torsdag d. 27. april
kl. 17.20
Antikmuseet på Aarhus Universitet,
Victor Albecksvej, Århus C, bygning 1414
Tutankhamons grav. Arkæologi og politik, v. Lektor Emeritus Paul John Frandsen
Fundet af Tutankhamons grav for 100 år siden var et højdepunkt udforskningen af den faraoniske kultur. Men det blev også et afgørende vendepunkt i vilkårene for al fremtidig arkæologisk virke i Ægypten, og vigtigst af alt blev det begyndelsen til nedsmeltningen af det britiske verdensherredømme.
Kharga routes
Mødedato: Onsdag d. 3/5 2023 kl 19.00
Lokale: KUA 22.0.11
Kharga routes, v. Professor Salima Ikram, American University in Cairo
Since 2001, the North Kharga Oasis Survey (NKOS) has been systematically exploring the northern portion of the Kharga Oasis in Egypt’s Western Desert. NKOS has worked on identifying and locating new archaeological sites, assessing the extent of the visible sites, as well as recording evidence for desert travel along the paths connection the various sites.
By combining all this information, it clearly appears that Kharga was an important desert crossroad where the north-south caravan route (known as the Darb el-Arbain) met an east-west route, that connected to the neighbouring Dakhla Oasis, and ultimately to the Gifl el-Kebir area, as well as to Lower Egypt via the other Western Desert oases. Then importance of this east-west axis has hitherto been underestimated.
Generalforsamling og astrologiske manualer fra tempelbiblioteket i Tebtunis
Mødedato: tirsdag d. 18.01 2022 kl. 18.00 – Lokale 22.0.11
Først generalforsamling fulgt af foredrag ca. kl. 19.
HUSK Coronapas og mundbind !!! Vi opfordrer også til, at du bliver testet før vi mødes. Også selvom du er vaccineret. Vi skulle nødigt smitte hinanden. |
Astrologiske manualer fra tempelbiblioteket i Tebtunis, v. Ida Adsbøl Christensen, PhD Student at ISAW, New York University
Astrologi og andre former for varselstagning var særdeles populært i det græsk-romerske Ægypten, hvor det lader til at have spillet en vigtig rolle i mange ægyptiske templer. Et stort antal astrologiske papyri skrevet på græsk og demotisk har overlevet frem til i dag, men kun en brøkdel af især det ægyptiske materiale er endnu blevet studeret.
Tempelbiblioteket i Tebtunis indeholder mere end 50 manualer i astrologisk praksis, dvs. teoretiske tekster, der angiver og forklarer, hvordan forskellige himmellegemers positioner bør fortolkes. Disse manuskripter repræsenterer den suverænt største gruppe af videnskabelig litteratur i tempelbiblioteket. I nutiden bliver astrologi som oftest anset for at være pseudovidenskab, men denne praksis udgjorde en yderst central form for videnskab blandt mange oldtidskulturer i Mellemøsten og Middelhavsområdet.
De astrologiske manualer fra Tebtunis er endnu upublicerede, men igangværende studier af materialet har vist, at håndbøgerne bl.a. indeholder instruktioner til udarbejdelsen af horoskoper og detaljerede beskrivelser af astrologiske fænomener og deres betydninger for menneskelige skæbner. Dette foredrag giver et overblik over disse emner med udgangspunkt i en gruppe astrologiske manualer fra Tebtunis, der hver især giver forskellige indblik i, hvordan oldtidens ægyptere forsøgte at tilegne sig viden om, hvad fremtiden ville bringe.
Lockande långt borta – Oasen Siwa genom historien
Mødedato: Torsdag 3.3 2022 kl. 19.00
Lokale: KUA – 23.0.49
og på zoom. Link findes i nyhedsmailen.
Lockande långt borta – Oasen Siwa genom historien, v. Sofia Häggman, Museumsinspektør, Medelhavsmuseet, Stockholm
Sofia er desværre forhindret i at komme til København, men Tine vil sætte storskærm op på KUA, så I kan se foredraget sammen. Men I kan altså også se det hjemmefra via zoom-linket i nyhedsmailen.
I dag är Siwa en ganska isolerad och bortglömd oas, långt ute i Egyptens västra öken. Men under antiken var oasen känd i hela den grekiska Medelhavsvärlden. Den var säte för guden Zeus-Ammons orakel och lockade besökare från när och fjärran. Alexander den store själv besökte orakeltemplen i Siwa, när han erövrade Egypten. Men vad hände sedan? Och vad händer i Siwa idag?
Sofia Häggman har sedan 1995 periodvis bott i Siwa, där hon arbetat med både dadelodling och museiprojekt. Hon kommer i sitt föredrag att berätta om Siwa under antiken, men även också i senare tidsperioder
Champollion og 1500 års hieroglyfstudier
Mødedato: Torsdag 31.3 2022 kl. 19.00
Lokale: KUA – 23.0.49
Champollion og 1500 års hieroglyfstudier, v. Lektor Emeritus Paul John Frandsen
For præcis 200 år siden blev hieroglyfskriften endelig dechifreret. Forud for denne bedrift var der gået 1500 år med undertiden intense forsøg på at forstå ægypternes skrift. Foredraget handler om hvorfor man i Antikken, Renæssancen og Oplysningstidens i det hele taget interesserede sig for denne skrift og hvordan man greb studierne af den an. Og så handler det naturligvis også om fundet af Rosettestenen, der blev nøglen til dechifreringen, som Champollion med rette fik æren af.
Til foredraget vil der være mulighed for at drikke et glas vin.
Lørdagsseminar om Post-Amarna-grave
Mødedato: Lørdag 30.4 2022 kl. 11-16
Kl. 11 – Lise Manniche, mag art., PhD
Variationer over et tema. Musikalske billeder i og efter Amarnatiden
I Amarna-tidens billedkunst møder vi både tradition, nyfortolkning og radikale ændringer. Blandt mange, markante eksempler præsenteres her et enkelt: musikken som den afspejles i kunsten i de 17 turbulente år af Akhenatens regering.
I hvilket omfang overlevede kongens straksløsninger under hans umiddelbare efterfølgere i gravene i Theben og Memphis? I relief og maleri lå der et stort ansvar hos omridstegneren, som gengav det, han anså som korrekt her og nu i forhold til opgaven, men vi kan ikke forvente, at han også havde kendskab til alle detaljer i instrumenter og opførelsespraksis.
Kl. 12.15 – Frokost (medbring selv mad og drikke)
Kl. 13 – Gabriele Pieke, Curator, Reiss-Engelhorn-Museen, Mannheim
Finding a New Balance. Non-Royal Tombs of the Post Amarna Period in Western Thebes
The paper gives an overview on the development of non-royal funerary monuments at Thebes from the reign of Tutankhamun to Horemheb in terms of social stratum of owners, the location of the monuments in the necropolis, and the architecture of the cult chapels. The changes in tomb decoration will be illustrated by some selected chapels, which were built shortly after the Amarna period such as Parennefer/ Wennenfer, Amenhotep Huy, or Neferhotep.
These tombs exhibit iconographic programs, which rely on traditional images on the one hand but also integrate new concepts and even Amarna motifs. The concept and composition of some of these chapels appear to be strongly influenced by the Amarna period, while at the same time explicit image quotations link the tombs to their pre-Amarna neighbours at Thebes. The preserved funerary sculpture likewise attests traditional Theban forms but also certain shifts.
Kl. 14.15 – Pause
Kl. 14.45 – Nico Staring, F.R.S.-FNRS / Université de Liège
Saqqara during the post-Amarna period
The Amarna period presents an exciting episode in pharaonic history. The period spans less than two decades yet witnessed major social and religious transformations. Akhenaten, ordered the construction of a rock-cut tomb east of his new city, and the highest palace officials and administrators (the ‘elite’) followed his example. In so doing, they left the necropolises associated with the traditional foremost cities of the kingdom, Thebes and Memphis.
Soon after king Akhenaten died, his city, Akhetaten, entered a process of abandonment. The elite moved north to Memphis and built their tombs on the desert plateau west of the old city. This lecture focuses on the Memphite necropolis of Saqqara during the post-Amarna period, and explores what effects the events of the Amarna and post-Amarna period had on the cemetery’s development and tomb art.
Archive or not? Amarna letters in Egyptian perspective
Mødedato: Onsdag 11.5 2022 kl. 19.00
Lokale: KUA – 23.0.49
Archive or not? Amarna letters in Egyptian perspective, v. Jana Mynářová, Associate Professor of Egyptology, Charles University, Prague
Because of the richness of details and the very nature of the individual texts, the Amarna letters traditionally occupy a very prominent position in the discussion of relations between Egypt and its partners in the ancient Near East, especially in the second half of the second millennium BCE.
At the same time, however, these texts, written in cuneiform on clay tablets, form an integral part of the rich body of Egyptian material culture from Tell el-Amarna (ancient Akhetaten).
The aim of this lecture is to present the historical and social context in which cuneiform and Egyptian cultures interacted on Egyptian soil and what their immediate cultural and political relationship was. Based on the analysis of archaeological and written sources, the background of this largely hybrid tradition will be reconstructed.
Lørdagsseminar om Bes
Mødedato: Lørdag d. 25/9 2021 kl. 11-16
Lokale: KUA1 22.0.11
11.00 – Foredrag 1, v. Lise Manniche, mag art., PhD
12.15 – Frokost (medbring selv mad og drikke)
13.00 – Foredrag 2 v. Olaf Kaper, Professor of Egyptology, Leiden University
14.15 – Pause
14.45 – Foredrag 3, v. Christian E. Loeben, August Kestner Museum Hannover
I forbindelse med BES-udstillingen på Glyptoteket (30/4-31/10 2021) vil lørdagsseminaret handle om Bes. Udstillingen er blevet til i samarbejde med Allard Pierson Museet i Amsterdam og August Kestner Museet i Hannover.
I Amsterdam var Olaf Kaper gæstekurator for udstillingen, og i Hannover, hvor udstillingen rejser til efter København, er Christian E. Loeben kurator. Det er således disse to, der sammen med Lise vil fortælle den lille, grimme, kære dæmongud Bes.
Lyden af Bes v., PhD. Lise Manniche
I de senere år er der kommet fokus på “lyde” i det gamle Ægypten, ikke bare klangen af musikinstrumenter, men lyd generelt. Dette særlige fagområde kaldes nu for “arkæoakustik” eller “soundscapes” (modsat “landscapes”). Efter at have beskæftiget mig med Bes’ udseende, hans betydning for fertilitet og fødsler, og i et vist omfang med hans musikinstrumenter er det derfor nærliggende at præsentere “Lyden af Bes” i en lidt bredere sammenhæng og med særlig fokus på hans stemme, og hvordan han brugte den.
The small gods of Ancient Egypt: examining Bes and Tutu v. Olaf Kaper, Professor of Egyptology, Leiden University
The gods of the ancient Egyptians were very many indeed, and the gods were grouped together in many different ways. Bes belongs to a class of gods that we may call “small gods”, with the use of an ancient Egyptian term. This lecture will discuss the place of Bes in the pantheon and compare him to the god Tutu, with whom Bes is sometimes depicted together.
By looking at the role of the small gods, we can understand better how the Egyptians saw their world and how they dealt with the overwhelming amount of divine beings that could help or threaten them.
Bes and Thoeris, two “small gods” in Ancient Egypt: same competence – different careers v. Christian Loeben, Museum August Kestner, Hannover
It is a remarkable phenomenon: The goddess Thoeris, Egyptian Ta-Weret (“The-Great-One”), has enjoyed adoration for the longest time in Egyptian history. However, Bes who really became Bes only as late as in Dynasty 26 (c. 600 B.C.E.) would very quickly supersede the venerable goddess as the most popular deity in the realm of Egyptian private life.
The lecture will analyse the mechanisms behind it and will finally show that the career of Bes in the later phases of Egyptian religion was not only an extraordinary one but was also exceedingly diverse.
Professional weavers and their looms in Roman Egypt
Mødedato: Torsdag d. 14/10 2021, kl. 19.00
Lokale: KUA1 22.0.11
Professional weavers and their looms in Roman Egypt, v. Maria Mossakowska-Gaubert, Post-Doc. Research Fellow, Centre for Textile Research (CTR), Københavns Universitet
In addition to agriculture, textile production was one of the most important branches of the Egyptian economy from the Pharaonic era to the medieval Arab period. The question of the different types of looms and the specialised weavers is one of the most crucial issues for understanding the evolution of textile production and its technological development in the Nile Valley.
This presentation is an attempt to re-interpret some of the evidence, mainly papyrological and iconographic, which could add new data to the study of professional weavers and their looms in Egypt in the Roman period.
This research is conducted in the framework of the group ‘Egyptian weaving Tools and Looms’ of twelve experts coming from various horizons: archaeology, experimental archaeology, textile analysis, ethnographic research and Greek papyrology The goal of the project is to write a collective article on tools and looms in Egypt from the Ptolemaic to the early Arab period.
The group has been created in 2020 to continue our collective research started in 2017 with the workshop Egyptian Textiles and their Production: ‘Word’ and ‘Object’ (for the publication, see:, organised as part of the MONTEX project under the Marie Sklodowska-Curie grant agreement no MSCA 701479, hosted by Saxo-Institute: CTR.
Lokaleændring!!! I Nordens fodspor
Mødedato: Tirsdag d. 7/12 2021 Kl. 18.00
Lokale ændret til: KUA1 4A.0.69
I Nordens fodspor, v. Lektor Emeritus Paul John Frandsen
To kæmpestore fransksprogede bind med ca. 160 kobberstik blev det synlige resultat af Frederik Ludvig Nordens deltagelse i en dansk ekspeditions rejse op og ned ad Nilen i 1737.
Den første danske udgave kom så sent som for 10 år siden. Foredraget vil følge Nordens rejse til 2. katarakt med udgangspunkt i en PowerPoint-præsentation af hans aldrig publicerede rentegninger, der i dag befinder sig på Det kongelige Bibliotek.
JULEFEST efter foredraget. Vi følges til frokoststuen i TORS.
Bogauktion og Ingeniøren og de ægyptiske mumier
Mødedato: Torsdag d. 4/11 2021 kl 18.00
Lokale: KUA2 10.3.28 (frokoststuen på TORS)
Først bogauktion (bogliste kommer senere)
Ingeniøren og de ægyptiske mumier: En kioskbasker fra 1910’erne, v. Thomas Christiansen, PhD i ægyptologi
En barok historie, der omhandler antikvitetshandel, en anløben ingeniør og tre ægyptiske mumier og deres kister, udfoldede sig i København i starten 1910’erne. Den vakte stor opsigt i samtiden og blev rapporteret i en lang række dagblade, men er sidenhen hensunket i glemsel.
Historien fortjener at blive genfortalt nøje, da den udover sin iboende underholdningsværdi indeholder vigtige og hidtil ukendte informationer om betydningsfulde ægyptiske antikviteter, der i dag er udstillet på henholdsvis Ny Carlsberg Glyptotek og Antikmuseet i Aarhus.