Lørdagsseminar om Post-Amarna-grave

Mødedato: Lørdag 30.4 2022 kl. 11-16

Lokale: KUA – 23.0.49



Kl. 11 – Lise Manniche, mag art., PhD
Variationer over et tema. Musikalske billeder i og efter Amarnatiden

I Amarna-tidens billedkunst møder vi både tradition, nyfortolkning og radikale ændringer. Blandt mange, markante eksempler præsenteres her et enkelt: musikken som den afspejles i kunsten i de 17 turbulente år af Akhenatens regering.

I hvilket omfang overlevede kongens straksløsninger under hans umiddelbare efterfølgere i gravene i Theben og Memphis? I relief og maleri lå der et stort ansvar hos omridstegneren, som gengav det, han anså som korrekt her og nu i forhold til opgaven, men vi kan ikke forvente, at han også havde kendskab til alle detaljer i instrumenter og opførelsespraksis.

Kl. 12.15 – Frokost (medbring selv mad og drikke)



Kl. 13 – Gabriele Pieke, Curator, Reiss-Engelhorn-Museen, Mannheim
Finding a New Balance. Non-Royal Tombs of the Post Amarna Period in Western Thebes

The paper gives an overview on the development of non-royal funerary monuments at Thebes from the reign of Tutankhamun to Horemheb in terms of social stratum of owners, the location of the monuments in the necropolis, and the architecture of the cult chapels. The changes in tomb decoration will be illustrated by some selected chapels, which were built shortly after the Amarna period such as Parennefer/ Wennenfer, Amenhotep Huy, or Neferhotep.

These tombs exhibit iconographic programs, which rely on traditional images on the one hand but also integrate new concepts and even Amarna motifs. The concept and composition of some of these chapels appear to be strongly influenced by the Amarna period, while at the same time explicit image quotations link the tombs to their pre-Amarna neighbours at Thebes. The preserved funerary sculpture likewise attests traditional Theban forms but also certain shifts.

Kl. 14.15 – Pause



Kl. 14.45 – Nico Staring, F.R.S.-FNRS / Université de Liège
Saqqara during the post-Amarna period

The Amarna period presents an exciting episode in pharaonic history. The period spans less than two decades yet witnessed major social and religious transformations. Akhenaten, ordered the construction of a rock-cut tomb east of his new city, and the highest palace officials and administrators (the ‘elite’) followed his example. In so doing, they left the necropolises associated with the traditional foremost cities of the kingdom, Thebes and Memphis.

Soon after king Akhenaten died, his city, Akhetaten, entered a process of abandonment. The elite moved north to Memphis and built their tombs on the desert plateau west of the old city. This lecture focuses on the Memphite necropolis of Saqqara during the post-Amarna period, and explores what effects the events of the Amarna and post-Amarna period had on the cemetery’s development and tomb art.