Papyrus årgang 43 nr. 1 2023
Tutankhamons grav – arkæologi og politik Paul John Frandsen
Gemmer fodboldbanen et palads? Udgravninger i pyramidebyen i Giza Mark Lehner
Byggeriet af Senenmuts gravmonumenter Rune Olsen
Indhold – abstracts – redaktionelt
Eftertryk kun tilladt med skriftlig tilladelse fra redaktion og forfattere.
ISSN 0903-4714
Rescuing More of the Lost City of the Pyramids
Mødedato: Lørdag d. 4. marts kl. 14
Lokale: Online via Zoom og i KUA 15a.0.13
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Rescuing More of the Lost City of the Pyramids – Season 2023 Update, v. Mark Lehner, Director and President of Ancient Egypt Research Associates, Inc. (AERA)
For 35 years, teams from Ancient Egypt Research Associates (AERA) have been clearing, mapping and excavating in the Heit el-Ghurab (HeG) site of 4th Dynasty settlement (c. 2600 BC), about 400 meters south of the Great Sphinx, finding the houses, barracks, bakeries, workshops and cattle corral of the pyramid builders. Heit el-Ghurab, ‘Wall of the Crow’ in Arabic, is the name of the site, after the 200-meter long, 10 meter-tall, stone wall with a great gate that borders the site on the Northwest.
In the last two years the AERA team has been able to find major parts of the site that had been covered for more than 40 years by a sports club and soccer field, which were removed in 2021. The focus is on the Royal Administrative Building (RAB), which contained the central grains store for the pyramid builders’ city. AERA excavated the northern end of the RAB, protruding from under the soccer field, between 2002 and 2007. Now, the AERA team excavates rest of the building to the south, under the hypothesis that it was an important element of a wider palace city at Giza, the earlier parts of which are attested in the newly-discovered Wadi el-Jarf Papyri. I report to the Danish Egyptological Society the latest findings, fresh from the field, and from the work in progress.