Lørdagsseminar om Tutankhamon og hans grav
’First steps of tomb found.’ 4. november1922
Mødedato: Lørdag 19.11 2022 kl. 11-16
Lokale: KUA – 22.0.11 og på zoom
Kl. 11 – Lektor Emeritus Paul John Frandsen
Tutankhamons grav. Arkæologi og politik
Fundet af Tutankhamons grav for 100 år siden var et højdepunkt udforskningen af den faraoniske kultur. Men det blev også et afgørende vendepunkt i vilkårene for al fremtidig arkæologisk virke i Ægypten, og vigtigst af alt blev det begyndelsen til nedsmeltningen af det britiske verdensherredømme.
Kl. 12.15 – Frokost (medbring selv mad og drikke)
Kl. 13 – Regine Schulz, Executive Director of the Roemer and Pelizaeus Museum, Hildesheim
Thought on pictorial programs of Tut-ankh-Amun’s jewelry
Amulets and jewelry items with amulet functions were important in Ancient Egypt, not only in daily life but also for life after death. They mediate a variety of different religious aspects and functions.
Therefore, they also played an essential role in the richly equipped and well-preserved tomb of Tut-ankh-Amun. The objects placed on and at the mummy were especially important since they should protect the deceased king on his journey to and life after death in the heavenly sphere.
Kl. 14.15 – Pause
Kl. 14.45 – Tom Hardwick, Houston Museum of Natural Science
Tut-ankh-mammon: Howard Carter and the market for Egyptian art, 1920-1940.
Howard Carter and Lord Carnarvon’s discovery of the tomb of Tutankhamun in November 1922 was not just an archaeological landmark: it was also watched closely by the art market.
Carter and Carnarvon were not just excavators, but avid collectors and canny dealers in Egyptian objects at a time when their status and values were changing. Exhibitions and auctions brought Egyptian objects to eager audiences anxious for new sensations and potential profits.
One might think the tomb of Tutankhamun would be unaffected by this boom, but even excavated objects were subject to the vagaries of the market. Tutankhamun’s “wonderful things” were assessed and priced up from the moment the tomb was opened. Archival material reveals how objects from Tutankhamun’s tomb were monetized and offered for sale during Carter’s lifetime and after his death.
Tom Hardwick is a curator and Egyptologist who has curated collections and exhibitions in the UK, Egypt, and United States. He is a specialist in Egyptian art, the history of collecting, and the forgery of works of art.