Susanne Bickel

About Princesses and Robbers. New research in the Kings’ Valley.

University of Basel Kings’ Valley Project, M. Kacicnik

University of Basel
Kings’ Valley Project,
M. Kacicnik

Mødedato: Torsdag d. 31/3 2016, kl. 19.00
Lokale: 22.0.11, KUA1

ved Prof. Dr. Susanne Bickel, Universität Basel

The lecture will present recent results from the investigations of the University of Basel Kings’ Valley Project. Research focusses on so far unknown tombs from the 18th dynasty that were prepared for members of the royal family and entourage. Although badly looted by antique and modern robbery, the fragmentary funerary equipment opens new insight into burial practices and social structures at pharaoh’s court.

Se mere om University of Basel Kings’ Valley Project