Maria Mossakowska-Gaubert

Professional weavers and their looms in Roman Egypt

Romersk tunika

Mødedato: Torsdag d. 14/10 2021, kl. 19.00
Lokale: KUA1 22.0.11

Professional weavers and their looms in Roman Egypt, v. Maria Mossakowska-Gaubert, Post-Doc. Research Fellow, Centre for Textile Research (CTR), Københavns Universitet

In addition to agriculture, textile production was one of the most important branches of the Egyptian economy from the Pharaonic era to the medieval Arab period. The question of the different types of looms and the specialised weavers is one of the most crucial issues for understanding the evolution of textile production and its technological development in the Nile Valley.

This presentation is an attempt to re-interpret some of the evidence, mainly papyrological and iconographic, which could add new data to the study of professional weavers and their looms in Egypt in the Roman period.

This research is conducted in the framework of the group ‘Egyptian weaving Tools and Looms’ of twelve experts coming from various horizons: archaeology, experimental archaeology, textile analysis, ethnographic research and Greek papyrology The goal of the project is to write a collective article on tools and looms in Egypt from the Ptolemaic to the early Arab period.

The group has been created in 2020 to continue our collective research started in 2017 with the workshop Egyptian Textiles and their Production: ‘Word’ and ‘Object’ (for the publication, see:, organised as part of the MONTEX project under the Marie Sklodowska-Curie grant agreement no MSCA 701479, hosted by Saxo-Institute: CTR.