Generalforsamling fulgt af foredrag

Mødedato: Tirsdag d. 27/1 2015,
efter generalforsamlingen der begynder kl. 18.00
Lokale: KUA1 23.0.50

The sacred site of ‘Quesna’: multi-disciplinary investigations and analyses in the Ptolemaic-Roman cemetery and the falcon necropolis, v. Joanne Rowland, Juniorprofessor, Freie Universität Berlin

The archaeological area of Quesna lies c. 60km north of Cairo, and only 7km northeast of the site of ancient Athribis, with which Quesna can be linked by the Late Period.

The current investigations of the Egypt Exploration Society mission began in 2006 with a survey across the whole sites, which established the extent of the archaeology, and from which the excavations were targeted between 2007 and 2014.

Osteological investigations have informed us about the health of the population and diseases and illnesses with which they were afflicted, as well as providing interesting information about possible activities with which they were engaged. Zooarchaeological, archaeological and philological investigations have greatly increased our knowledge as to the foundation and use of the falcon necropolis at Quesna, and it can already be tentatively linked with an individual, Djed Hor, known from statues and statue bases found at Athribis.

The talk will summarise the key results up until now and show how the investigations have increased our knowledge about the uses of the site and, in particular, the people who were living in its vicinity and those who were involved in the sacred aspects of the site.