
Silt, Sand and Sherds – før sommerfesten

Mødedato: Tirsdag d. 12/6 2018 Kl. 18.00

Lokale: KUA1 22.0.11

Silt, Sand and Sherds: land- and waterscapes of ancient Thebes, ved Dr. Angus Graham, Wallenberg Academy Fellow, Dept. of Archaeology and Ancient History, Uppsala University, Sweden; Director, Egypt Exploration Society Theban Harbours and Waterscapes Survey

The Theban Harbours and Waterscapes Survey (THaWS) has been conducting a geoarchaeological, geophysical and topographic survey in the floodplains of the West and East Bank of Luxor since 2012.

The project has identified a secondary channel of the Nile lying just in front of the Ramesseum and the Colossi of Memnon. This finding has considerable influence on the reinterpretation of a connection between the temples of Millions of Years on the West Bank, the festivals and the possible location of the ‘marketplace’ of Deir el-Medina. An intensive survey has been carried out in and around the Temple of Millions of Years of Amenhotep III (Kom el-Hetan) in collaboration with Dr Hourig Sourouzian’s mission.

The talk will discuss the sedimentological picture of the ground upon which Amenhotep III founded his temple and why he placed it where he did. Other on-going work and future plans will also be discussed.

DÆS-sommerfest tirsdag d. 12/6 2018 efter foredraget

Travellers and Pilgrims

Mødedato: Torsdag d. 8/2 2018 Kl. 18.00

Lokale: 15A.0.13

Travellers and Pilgrims at the Time of the Ptolemies: Recent Investigations by the Oxford Expedition to Elkab, ved Luigi Prada, Visiting Associate Professor in Egyptology, University of Copenhagen & University of Oxford

The site of Elkab, in Upper Egypt, is renowned for the decorated tombs of its governors, dating to the New Kingdom, and for the colossal walls surrounding its ancient town, particularly the temple complex of the vulture-goddess Nekhbet.

Under field-director Vivian Davies, Oxford University’s expedition has recently extended its investigation of the site to the study of the reuse of its pharaonic monuments in the Late and Graeco-Roman Periods, at a time when pilgrims and travellers on the caravan routes of the Eastern Desert stopped-like today’s tourists-to visit the necropolis’ tombs and the temples of the nearby Wadi Hilal, leaving testimony of their visit in graffiti and inscriptions.

This lecture will offer an overview of the results of the work of the Oxford Expedition to Elkab, showing how a city that had seen the acme of its power in the New Kingdom was thriving with a second life a millennium later, at the time of the Ptolemies.

A Royal Building in the Capital

Mødedato: Torsdag d. 8/3 2018, kl. 19.00
Lokale: 23.0.49

A Royal Building in the Capital. Results of the Recent Excavations at Qantir-Piramesse, ved Dr. Henning Franzmeier, Field Director Qantir-Piramesse-Project
Roemer- and Pelizaeus-Museum Hildesheim

Qantir-Piramesse can be considered one of the largest archaeological sites of the Late Bronze Age far beyond the borders of Egypt. Between 1996 and 2012 large scale magnetic measurements were carried out at Qantir-Piramesse which give an impression of the layout of whole parts of the capital of Ramesside Egypt. Amongst the structures visible is a monumental building complex, interpreted as a temple and/or palace.

During two seasons of fieldwork in 2016 and 2017 excavations were carried out within this area to complement the magnetic measurements by archaeological excavation and to gather information concerning the buildings function. This work for the first time gave an insight into a building of a truly monumental scale at Piramesse, producing many unexpected features and finds such as colourfully painted plaster, burnt mudbricks and a mortar pit preserving the imprints of feet from 3,200 years ago.

The lecture will present the recent results and present some preliminary interpretations regarding the dating and function of this building which must have had an important role in Ramesside Piramesse.